Domain Specific Language for programming the Learnbot educational robot with robocomp

Learnblock is a project to teach children how to program a robot

This project have a similar IDE to Scratch. The program, that is created by children, is composed of a set of blocks, in a certain order. These blocks represent functions, conditions, variables and operatros. Also, the user can add new funtions and created new variables and new funtions.

The project documentation is on the following link:

LearnBlock Documentation

All commits is in the follow link:



  1. Who I am? and what will I make?

  2. LearnBlock v.0.1

  3. LearnBlock v.0.2

Improvements for the following versions.

  1. Add event-oriented programming.
  2. Add Programming via text.
  3. Translator of code text to code of blocks.
  4. Translator of code of blocks to code text.